~Adventures in art, life, family, friends and love ~

Monday, June 14

time flies when you are having fun...

The weeks are just flying by!  The weekend was so rainy and cold - unusual for this time of year.  Everything is so green.  Fortunately, there wasn't any hail to destroy the few plants I have planted this year.  With my Fibro getting worse, I have had to back off on all that I do; therefore, this year, less flowers in the garden.

I do enjoy a little rain to keep me indoors and not out riding my bike.  I decided to put a printer tray to good use and am using it for my earrings.  I think it works very well.  I was tired of having to find earrings that never seemed to stay together in my jewelry drawer.  This is certainly a fun way to see what I have.

Well, it's off to class on this Monday morning.   Hopefully, the sun will come out and it will warm up later today.

Enjoy your Monday... what exciting things do you have planned for this summer day?