~Adventures in art, life, family, friends and love ~

Monday, December 28

Ahhhhhh.... life is wonderful!

Merry Monday to you!

I hope your Christmas was amazing!  Ours was truly wonderful!  It's still hard to believe Christmas is over.  Every year it comes so fast.  I have to say, this year seemed to be a bit less like that.  I know it's because I told everyone that we weren't exchanging many gifts.  I told my girls that I didn't want any gifts and that if they really had an urge to spend money, to spend it on someone who really needs something.  They didn't spend any money and they gave me a picture frame they made.  It's the best gift I have received!

I am excited for the New Year!  I have so many plans and ideas for getting my artistic blood flowing and my business.  This week will be a great opportunity to regroup.  My sweetie is working and my girls are exhausted from visiting with their dad and his family, so I can focus and get back to some sort of routine.

Thursday, December 24

Merry Christmas Eve!

Where does time go?  I can't believe that it is Christmas Eve?  I am at peace and so incredibly happy!  I have not stressed about anything this holiday season.  I am so fortunate for where I am and what I have.

I believe that happiness comes from within, from the heart, and never ending when you give and do not expect to always receive!

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!  May Santa bring you lots of goodies, but mainly love!

Tuesday, December 22

I thought this was so cute!

I was working out at the gym today watching a little youtube while I was climbing the Stairmaster to nowhere (like I usually do) and found this cute video.  I thought I would share.

~~ Do You Hear What I Hear? by the Bowen Beer Bottle Band ~~

I just finished a few batches of Pizzelles to give to our neighbors.  They are all so sweet and have really become like family.  The house smells yummy!

Sunday, December 20

Working in my studio space...

I am so thrilled to have this quiet time to work in my studio space.  My girls have gone to Houston to spend the holiday with their dad and my sweetie has the week off.  We are on slow-motion pace.  My sweetie's son is here and it's been wonderful!  I am glad to have him here to spend time with his dad.  They are so cute together!

I am using this time to get my studio space in order so I can begin working.  We were blessed to inherit my sweetie's mom's china cabinet.  It was at another relatives house, but he's moving out of state, so we were able to get this beautiful piece. Unfortunately, we don't have space in our dining room as I have a beautiful antique dining table and hutch in there already.  The house isn't quite set up for antiques.  There's not a lot of wall space.  So, I get to have this piece in my studio.  I am going to use it to store my fabric stash.  How wonderful it will be to have all my fabric displayed this way.  It's going to take me a while to move the fabric, but I will work on it day by day this week

I have a list of things I want to make and get on Etsy to sell.  I don't know what I'll start with first!  I am also excited to get out my mom's Babylock serger.  I have never used one and will  probably take a class at our local quilt/sewing shop.  I picked up a book at the library on sergers, but I'm more of a visual person - so a class will be better.

Tuesday, December 15

A new twist on my blog...

If you had been to my blog in the past, you know what I'm talking about.  I am giving up my previous dishy blog so I can share my more passionate side.  Plus, there were a few people who  didn't appreciate my opinions about my "past".  I guess the truth hurts!

I have always been creative.  I remember "cooking" at the ripe age of 4.  While my parents were sleeping, I would saunter down to the kitchen and create wonderful concoctions... I am surprised I am alive.  I remember mixing cocoa powder with comet.  Stirring it for hours.  The color of green and brown mixing together fascinated me.  Good thing I didn't eat it.  I am probably the reason kids proofing was created.  My parents idea of kid proofing was then to lock my bedroom at night.  Sooooo, I got creative in my bedroom.  I started peeling the wallpaper!

Yep, even as a youngster, I couldn't sit still and always wanted to be doing something.  So, I am sharing my passion of creativity.

Welcome back...

Have fun with me, play and find your own creative side! I'll be sharing all sorts of things from my fabulous finds, culinary creations and those imaginative beauties I create out of paper, fabric, metal or... who knows...

Exciting news, as well... I have been engaged for over two years and we have set the date!!!  I will be married to my soul mate on June 19, 2010!  We are so incredibly excited.  Love the second time around is absolutely amazing!

I'll keep ya posted on that endeavor as I plan a wedding!!!!  

come back soon!  I won't bore you!