~Adventures in art, life, family, friends and love ~

Monday, April 12

Merry Monday!

Merry Monday dear friends!

It probably seems like I have been missing in action... Well, I have!!!  Since starting college, I have been buried in books, clay, vo2 machines, digital cameras and more!  I love it, but I can't get to my home life at all!  I haven't been able to play on etsy or with my fabrics... or anything!  I was going to take a few summer classes, but I think I will take, possibly, ONE!

I have enjoyed taking classes immensly, but taking 15 credits with 3 online classes is pretty intense.  I have learned a few things for registering next year... which is in a few days.  Classes start August 16th for the fall session!  When will time slow down?  LOL!

The weather has been fairly nice in this part of the country.  However, we do have our share of wind in the spring.  So, I haven't hopped on my bike yet this season.  I was really sick the past two weeks with bronchitis, anyway.  This week is going to be crazy with school, again.  Yet, I really need to get out and play in the dirt.  The yard is trying to green up and there are things growing in the garden.  Spring is really here!  How refreshing!

Yesterday, my honey and I went on a hike with my nephew and his girlfriend.  My nephew just finished his second tour of duty in Iraq and is now going to be stationed here in Colorado.  I am so excited as this is the only relative of mine that is finally near me!  All of my family is on the east coast, so I have been alone in navigating some good and bad (extremely bad) times.  You never realize how much family means until you really need them!

We went on a fun hike... it was pretty mellow at first, but then... hee, hee... the adventurist in all of us wanted to keep going and decided that there must be a way to go around this big reservoir we were hiking by.  So, an hour later, hiking in thigh high snow at times, we made it.  The unknown was fun as well as sliding down boulders and hanging on to trees for fear of slipping down the mountain into the water!  I did get a gash on my leg from the snow, that was pretty much ice with tree limbs hidden by the snow.  We would be walking in this snow that was so icy, thigh high and feeling trees and such with our legs.  Of course, we were dressed for fair weather... LOL!  Oh well, it's still fun!

Well, I am off to finish some homework and get a head start on this weeks deadlines, which are many!  There's also a visit to court I get to make a week from today thanks to my ex... argh!  When does it end?  Six years of being divorced and...

Enjoy your Monday and make it merry!  I know I will....

have an amazing day!

1 comment:

Gaia said...

Hello my friend, glad you are back. Happy that you are set on a new path and learning. Blessings.