Friday morning...
a day to collect my thoughts. I don't have classes on Friday, so it's my day to get some other things done. Lately, it's the day of the week for my body to recoup. I am finding that either I'm not used to this type of lifestyle (having to focus on something in which I have to be graded on), or the silent illnesses I have are really taking a toll on my. When you have Fibromyalgia and CFS, among other things, you body is really affected by more than just the physical things you do, it's also affected by the mental things you do which truly affects one's body. I am definitely more stressed, yet again, going back to school as I juggle single parenting and running a household, etc. The role I played at home is still there. My older daughter tries to compare me to her when I say, "well, I have homework to do" and she jumps in to say," now you know what I feel like". Yeah, I don't think my daughter's college life is like mine at 47. I can't sleep past 7 a.m. as I have her sister to get out the door, dogs to feed and a house to clean, etc. I have to really laugh as she doesn't get that my travels to help her this week, twice, driving an hour each way to help her pick up and move some furniture for her house is tough on me. Oh well, I love having the girls in my life... but, a little help and understanding would be sweet.
Today, I have the joy of the dentist. I have put off this visit for about a year due to the cost. But, this week, my jaw has been in such pain. I have a cracked tooth that needs attention sooner than later to prevent further damage. Also, due to stress, the dentist said I need a mouth guard so I don't continue to harm more teeth. I am clenching my teeth in my sleep from stress causing TMJ and my teeth to crack. That must be some intense clenching. No wonder I wake up feeling like I have been hit by a truck! So, a good $500 bucks spent on my mouth. Ouch, that just made me clench my teeth! LOL!
Fridays, a day for me to get my treasures listed on or I picked up some fabulous finds at the thrift store near school. Some vintage earrings, corningware, a Pashmina (cashmere) shawl and some other goodies that I am sure will easily find a good home.
Today, I also need to get started on packing!!!! Yep, packing! My sweetie was rewarded at work with a free trip to Mexico. Until last week, we weren't sure if we could go as he's swamped at work. Fortunately, we can go. Tuesday, we are headed off to the south of Cancun! I sure hope the weather is wonderful. I would love to get out in the ocean and do some snorkling. It's an all inclusive resort that we are going to... never been on such a trip. That will be fun! I will be missing some classes, but I think it will be okay. I will do some homework today and turn it in on Monday (early) and then, go in early on Monday to my ceramics class to work on my assignment that is due on the 17th. A critique.
Vacations are wonderful, but there's always so much to do as soon as you return. Parent teacher conferences are right when we return and I start another new class. Actually, three, but two start a couple of weeks after I return. Phew... there goes the clenching of the teeth! hee, hee...
So... deep breath...
I hope to also use Fridays to start creating. I haven't been able to get that sewing machine going yet. I think I am six weeks behind that goal, aren't I??? Oh well... can't do it all, can I?
As I leave you to think about what your Fabulous Friday will entail... enjoy....
Vintage crystal earrings...
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